“And he shall make all, both little and great, rich and poor, freemen and bondmen, to have a character in their right hand, or on their foreheads. And that no man might buy or sell, but he that hath the character, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. He that hath understanding, let him count the number of the beast. For it is the number of a man: and the number of him is six hundred sixty-six.”—Revelation 13:16-18
Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia, the fear of the number 666, can be a serious condition for some. But for many Christians who study prophecy, it’s more about speculating on end-time events in rather unusual ways. This number is famously linked to a “mark” that followers of the Beast will supposedly need for identification. While the Book of Revelation doesn’t call this Beast the Antichrist, popular belief often makes that connection. Understanding Revelation in its historical context reveals that the number and mark are symbols. The number 666 is an example of gematria, where letters get numerical values. Interpreting the “mark” in this way suggests it was related to the Roman Empire and its practices.
Even with historical context, many believers still enjoy imagining future scenarios. So, let’s dive into 10 surprising things that some people believe represent the Mark of the Beast.
10. Social Security Number
Created in 1936 during Roosevelt’s administration, the Social Security Number (SSN) was meant to track U.S. workers’ earnings and determine their benefits. Over time, it became a primary way to identify individuals, which made some Christians view it with suspicion.
The rise of the federal government’s power, coupled with events in Europe, led some fundamentalists to see FDR as the Antichrist and the SSN as the Mark of the Beast. Some Christians even refused to get an SSN. However, courts have generally ruled that the government’s need to collect taxes and prevent fraud outweighs religious objections.
In one case, a man refused to provide his SSN for work, claiming it was the “number of the beast.” The court rejected his appeal, stating that the requirement was a “neutral law of general applicability.”
9. Credit Cards
When credit cards like VISA and Mastercard became popular in the ’60s and ’70s, some evangelicals believed they were a sign of the Antichrist. One theory even suggested that VISA, when translated into different languages, equals 666. This was based on the Roman numeral VI (6), the Greek letter S (claimed to be the 6th letter), and the Babylonian letter A (said to resemble a 6).
While today it’s easy to debunk these claims with a quick online search, it was harder to do so back then. Credit cards continue to be viewed with suspicion by some. The late Pat Robertson warned against smart cards with implanted microchips, fearing they could lead to microchips implanted in the hand and control over the ability to buy and sell.
8. Barcodes
When IBM introduced barcodes in the early 1970s, they faced protests from people who believed the code was the Mark of the Beast. Some claimed that the three long guide bars in the code each represented the number 6. One IBM executive was even confronted at a grocery store and told the code was evil. One person even wrote to Laurer (one of the inventors) identifying himself as Satan!
Although Laurer explained that 666 wasn’t embedded in the code and that barcodes were placed on products, not people, the controversy eventually died down. However, in 2012, a school district was sued for requiring students to wear ID badges with barcodes, which the parents claimed violated their religious rights.
On a related note, Hobby Lobby doesn’t use barcodes, not because of religious reasons, but because they believe employees take more pride in their work when they are in charge, not a machine.
7. Microchip Implants
Even non-religious people find the rapid advance of digital technology concerning. In Sweden, thousands of people have implanted microchips containing credit card numbers and other information into their hands. Some companies have even offered to implant chips in employees for convenience, which some perceive as dystopian and reminiscent of the Mark of the Beast.
Microchip implants have potential benefits like GPS tracking for children and the elderly, patient monitoring, and medication delivery. However, they also raise concerns about workplace surveillance, privacy violations, hacking, and identity theft. These are valid concerns even for those who don’t focus on the Book of Revelation.
6. Bitcoin
Bitcoin, a decentralized cryptocurrency with no central oversight, might seem like the perfect antidote to the Antichrist’s plan to control buying and selling. However, with unstable currencies, Bitcoin could also become a monopolistic legal tender. Some countries have already ordered banks to accept cryptocurrency, giving the state oversight over digital transactions, which could happen elsewhere due to economic necessity.
Though it seems far-fetched, Bitcoin as legal tender for a one-world government fits end-time theories. Financial transactions are tied to one’s identity on the blockchain, making surveillance easy, allowing the state to blacklist dissenters. Since 2014, people have been embedding microchips containing their Bitcoin wallets under their skin.
5. Palm Payment
In 2023, palm scan payment systems were introduced, allowing users to make payments by waving their hand over a device. This technology scans unique features like lines, ridges, and veins to create a palm signature, which is then encrypted and sent to a server for matching.
While this technology is very convenient, concerns have been raised about uploading biometric information to the cloud, especially regarding security risks. For Christians focused on end-time prophecies, this tech is seen as a precursor to the Mark of the Beast.
Actor Russel Brand has sounded the alarm, pointing out the convenience of the technology, while drawing concerns about privacy and the potential for data misuse.
4. COVID-19 Vaccine
When the COVID-19 vaccine became available, some people believed it contained electronic devices or tracking chips. Rumors spread that Bill Gates had spiked the vaccines with nanobots or RFID chips.
Mistrust of government and medical establishments fueled the refusal of some to get vaccinated, viewing the vaccine as the “mark.” Those who encouraged vaccination were perceived as tools of evil. Despite these fears, the COVID-19 vaccine was largely successful, saving millions of lives and helping to end the pandemic.
3. Smartphones and Internet
Are you holding a numbered device in your hand and placing it close to your forehead? Yes, that’s your smartphone! Some believe that owning these essential devices means you already have the Mark of the Beast.
Smartphones use algorithms to “read” your mind, including your preferences, interests, and location. This allows the Antichrist to track you and reveal personal information. Plus, the internet offers access to things like pornography and opportunities for infidelity. The sin alone is enough to raise concern.
Even typing “www” can be seen as evil because it’s the Latin equivalent of the Hebrew letter “vav,” which equals 6. The Apple logo on iPhones is also suspect because Eve’s apple caused the original sin. And Steve Jobs sold the first Apple computer for $666.66. All together, it’s a lot of coincidence for some people!
2. President Reagan’s House
The house at 666 St. Cloud Drive (later changed to 668), in Bel-Air, California, was the retirement home of Ronald and Nancy Reagan. Some people suspected Ronald Reagan of being the Antichrist for a number of funny reasons.
There are many conspiracy theories around Reagan, so a man named Gregory Stuart Gordon decided to take action. He broke into the house and shouted that Reagan was the Antichrist and had to be killed. Gordon was arrested and later wrote a book titled, Ronald Reagan, Antichrist.
1. Sunday as the Lord’s Day
If you consider yourself a good Christian, worshipping God in church on Sundays, beware! You might already be taking the Mark of the Beast.
Some Christians who keep the seventh-day Sabbath believe that worshipping on Sunday is a counterfeit of the true Sabbath. They suggest that the “mark” of God’s people is the Sabbath, making Sunday Satan’s “mark.” After all, it’s SUN-day, and sun worship was prevalent in the pagan world.
In AD 321, Constantine declared Sunday as a day of rest to honor the god Mithras, the Unconquered Sun. Some believe that Sunday worship was enforced by the Roman Empire and see it as a sign of disobedience.
Just as God’s commands are a sign of obedience, the Beast will place his mark on the hand and forehead, potentially affecting one’s ability to buy and sell. Watch out!