Mechanophilia, or mechaphilia, is the sexual attraction to machines, often those with engines like cars, motorcycles, airplanes, or helicopters. The sound of the engine, the vibrations, and the power of these machines can be sexually arousing. In extreme cases, mechanophiles may become intimate with the machines themselves. This paraphilia is considered illegal in many places, and companies even create sex toys resembling gears and pistons to cater to this niche.
5. Oculolinctus
Oculolinctus, or “worming,” is the practice of licking eyeballs for sexual gratification. Medically, it’s a dangerous activity due to the risk of infections like conjunctivitis, herpes, and corneal ulcers. Saliva and microorganisms can cause microscopic cuts on the eye, leading to severe complications. Although rumors once circulated about its prevalence in Japan, where it was supposedly called “Gankyū name purei,” it was largely a hoax. Still, there are individuals who engage in this hazardous practice.
4. Plushophilia

Plushophilia is sexual attraction to stuffed animals or plushies. These individuals, known as plushophiles, may modify their stuffed toys by adding holes for intimate interactions. While distinct from furry fetishes, plushophilia centers on the stuffed animals themselves. Some plushophiles talk to their toys, create elaborate backstories for them, and even develop family hierarchies. The soft and comforting nature of plushies makes them appealing to those with this paraphilia.
3. Sthenolagnia

Sthenolagnia is the paraphilia involving sexual attraction to muscles and muscle worship. While many people appreciate a muscular physique, sthenolagnia goes further, involving explicit worship of another person’s muscles. Activities can include touching, licking, and caressing muscles in a sexually arousing manner. The worshipping partner may even enjoy wrestling choke holds or other positions that highlight the strength and power of the muscles. This dynamic often involves one partner being physically smaller and weaker than the other.
2. Telephone Scatologia

Telephone scatologia involves making unwanted, obscene phone calls to strangers. The caller uses profane and overly sexual language, deriving pleasure from the shock and disgust of the recipient. Criminologists and behavioral health experts consider this a concerning paraphilic disorder, often practiced by young, isolated men who may be at risk of escalating to violent acts. Identifying and intervening early with these individuals is crucial to prevent potential harm.
1. Xenophilia and Allophilia

Xenophilia is the attraction to foreign people, customs, and cultures, the opposite of xenophobia (fear of foreigners). It’s pronounced in countries with high immigration rates, where locals may admire and adopt foreign cultures. The ancient Romans displayed xenophilia towards the Greeks, particularly in art, music, and philosophy. Allophilia, a related paraphilia, involves fetishizing outgroup members, whether foreigners or minority groups within a society, because they possess positive characteristics different from the ingroup. This admiration can lead to an idealized view of the outgroup.
These bizarre paraphilias showcase the incredible diversity of human sexuality. From attraction to trees and fictional characters to arousal from being robbed or making obscene phone calls, the spectrum of sexual interests is vast and often surprising. While some paraphilias pose risks and ethical concerns, others remain harmless quirks of individual desire. What do you think about these strange attractions? Leave your comment below!
A paraphilia is an intense sexual interest in atypical objects, situations, or types of people. While some, like necrophilia and pedophilia, are widely known and abhorred, others are simply… weird. In 2008, Anil Aggrawal, a scholar of sexual studies, cataloged 547 terms describing various paraphilias. The DSM-5 distinguishes between paraphilias (atypical sexual interests) and paraphilic disorders (interests acted out on non-consenting individuals). This list focuses on the former—the strange arousals and fetishes that exist in the human experience. Prepare to have your mind blown by these ten bizarre paraphilias, documented by experts; you probably haven’t heard of many (or most) of these, um, unique interests. But as it turns out, everybody has their ‘thing,’ right? And as long as they’re not hurting anyone else, well, to each his own, we suppose.
10. Chrematistophilia

Chrematistophilia, derived from the Greek “chrematistes” (money-giver or money-trader), refers to sexual arousal from being robbed. Yes, some people are aroused by being victims of theft. While kleptomania involves an uncontrollable urge to steal, and kleptolagnia is a paraphilic disorder where people seek sexual arousal through stealing, chrematistophilia is about the thrill of being the target. The adrenaline rush experienced during the crime might explain the arousal for some, but the idea of finding pleasure in being robbed remains a puzzling concept.
9. Dendrophilia

Dendrophilia, also known as arborphilia, literally means “love of trees.” People with dendrophilia are sexually attracted to trees, or merely aroused by their presence. This attraction can manifest in various ways, from sexual contact with trees to seeing them as phallic symbols. Some dendrophiliacs find satisfaction in having sex with a partner near trees, while others hug, talk to, or worship them. The connection can range from appreciating the beauty of trees to engaging in more intimate interactions.
8. Fictophilia

Fictophilia is the romantic and/or sexual attraction to fictional characters in books, movies, TV shows, and other media. Fictophiles often become deeply obsessed with these characters, fantasizing about dating, marrying, and spending their lives with them. The appeal lies in creating ideal relationships without the constraints of reality. The rise of young adult literature and romance genres has contributed to the increasing prevalence of fictophilia, prompting psychologists to examine this phenomenon more closely.
7. Hybristophilia
Hybristophilia is sexual attraction to people who commit crimes. Often called “Bonnie and Clyde syndrome,” it involves being drawn to criminals, including those who have committed high-profile crimes. Serial killers like Ted Bundy have received fan mail and even marriage proposals from women captivated by their infamy. This attraction can be seen as a desire to connect with danger and power, even if vicariously.
6. Mechanophilia
Mechanophilia, or mechaphilia, is the sexual attraction to machines, often those with engines like cars, motorcycles, airplanes, or helicopters. The sound of the engine, the vibrations, and the power of these machines can be sexually arousing. In extreme cases, mechanophiles may become intimate with the machines themselves. This paraphilia is considered illegal in many places, and companies even create sex toys resembling gears and pistons to cater to this niche.
5. Oculolinctus
Oculolinctus, or “worming,” is the practice of licking eyeballs for sexual gratification. Medically, it’s a dangerous activity due to the risk of infections like conjunctivitis, herpes, and corneal ulcers. Saliva and microorganisms can cause microscopic cuts on the eye, leading to severe complications. Although rumors once circulated about its prevalence in Japan, where it was supposedly called “Gankyū name purei,” it was largely a hoax. Still, there are individuals who engage in this hazardous practice.
4. Plushophilia

Plushophilia is sexual attraction to stuffed animals or plushies. These individuals, known as plushophiles, may modify their stuffed toys by adding holes for intimate interactions. While distinct from furry fetishes, plushophilia centers on the stuffed animals themselves. Some plushophiles talk to their toys, create elaborate backstories for them, and even develop family hierarchies. The soft and comforting nature of plushies makes them appealing to those with this paraphilia.
3. Sthenolagnia

Sthenolagnia is the paraphilia involving sexual attraction to muscles and muscle worship. While many people appreciate a muscular physique, sthenolagnia goes further, involving explicit worship of another person’s muscles. Activities can include touching, licking, and caressing muscles in a sexually arousing manner. The worshipping partner may even enjoy wrestling choke holds or other positions that highlight the strength and power of the muscles. This dynamic often involves one partner being physically smaller and weaker than the other.
2. Telephone Scatologia

Telephone scatologia involves making unwanted, obscene phone calls to strangers. The caller uses profane and overly sexual language, deriving pleasure from the shock and disgust of the recipient. Criminologists and behavioral health experts consider this a concerning paraphilic disorder, often practiced by young, isolated men who may be at risk of escalating to violent acts. Identifying and intervening early with these individuals is crucial to prevent potential harm.
1. Xenophilia and Allophilia

Xenophilia is the attraction to foreign people, customs, and cultures, the opposite of xenophobia (fear of foreigners). It’s pronounced in countries with high immigration rates, where locals may admire and adopt foreign cultures. The ancient Romans displayed xenophilia towards the Greeks, particularly in art, music, and philosophy. Allophilia, a related paraphilia, involves fetishizing outgroup members, whether foreigners or minority groups within a society, because they possess positive characteristics different from the ingroup. This admiration can lead to an idealized view of the outgroup.
These bizarre paraphilias showcase the incredible diversity of human sexuality. From attraction to trees and fictional characters to arousal from being robbed or making obscene phone calls, the spectrum of sexual interests is vast and often surprising. While some paraphilias pose risks and ethical concerns, others remain harmless quirks of individual desire. What do you think about these strange attractions? Leave your comment below!