10 Unbelievable Naval Actions That Defied Logic
On October 24, 1944, the Navy submarine USS Tang engaged a Japanese…
10 Medical Treatments Doctors Might Not Approve Of
Most people trust their doctors to provide the best possible care when…
10 Spooky Hawaiian Legends That Will Haunt Your Dreams
Hawaii is known for its beautiful scenery, vibrant culture, and welcoming people.…
Fascinating Indigenous Cultures: Top 10 Beliefs
Indigenous cultures have a deep and enduring connection to the natural world.…
Creepiest Dolls: Top 10 Haunted Dolls in History
I hate dolls. Very much so. Their uncanny little blank glass eyes…
10 Wildest Paraphilias You Won’t Believe Exist
A paraphilia is an intense sexual interest in atypical objects, situations, or…
10 Spite Houses Born From Legendary Neighborhood Feuds
A spite house is a building constructed—or sometimes substantially modified—by an aggrieved…
10 Vital Corporations the World Can’t Afford to Lose
Certain global corporations have become so integral to the world’s economic and…
10 Amazing Wolf Tales That Made Headlines
Wolves, often seen as simple creatures of the wild, lead surprisingly complex…
Director’s Trickery: 10 Ways They Manipulated Actors
Screen actors can be a tough bunch to wrangle, and more than…